R in Practice: Pipes
Posted: April 9, 2017 | Data Science , Statistics , RThe more I write code in R, the more I am impressed with the facilities that the language provides which is perfectly tailored to cleaning and tidy...
Posted: October 13, 2016 | Random , MiscOnce you get a job, and code for others and get paid for it, you are a professional, a part of the whole, a cell in business organism and the busin...
Mesos: A Datacenter OS
Posted: January 10, 2016 | Mesos , InfrastructureThe need of orchestration of heterogeneous infrastructure, non-unified characteristics of the hardware on different server systems and fluctuating...
Lifting in Scala
Posted: July 25, 2015 | Scala , Functional ProgrammingPartial functions are widely used in Scala. Just like their mathematical counterpart, a partial function, e.g f: X => Y, is a generalisation...